Friday Sep 15, 2023
Episode 3 – Angioedema and EAACI 2023
Professor Jason Fok joins Dr Thomas Buttgereit to discuss angioedema updates from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Congress 2023 and the role EAACI has in disseminating novel insights in angioedema treatment and diagnosis. Dr Buttgereit takes a deep dive into how data presented at EAACI congresses can be implemented into specialist ACARE clinics and the benefits the congress has in aiding clinicians to implement the latest guidelines for the benefit of patients.
Do you have suggestions for future episodes? Please provide feedback and offer your suggestions for future topics and expert selection here.
For more information about the Global Allergy and Asthma Excellence Network - ACARE network and its activities, please visit Additional resources relating to the topics discussed in this episode can be found here: Biomarkers in hereditary angioedema, Managing diagnosis, treatment, and burden of disease in hereditary angioedema patients with normal C1-esterase inhibitor, The expanding spectrum of mutations in hereditary angioedema, and Recurrent angioedema: Diagnosing the rare and the frequent.